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500 Stephen Donors & Sponsors
500 Stephen is a Non-profit that relies on the generous donation and in-kind contributions from many community providers. It is with grateful hearts that we thank our community and beyond for supporting our goal to support the Non-profit Community of Morden and Pembina Valley.
Many Local Businesses have contributed to the initial start-up of 500 Stephen and many continue to support our work with yearly donations.
We are proud to have the support of our Business Community.
Business Name
Amount Donated to Date
LMS Ag Equipment (Little Morden Services) | 25000 |
Decor | 23587.81 |
Morden Thrift Store | 20000 |
Morden Area Foundation | 16047 |
Fehr Glass & Aluminum | 15000 |
Access Credit Union | 10000 |
United Way | 8500 |
Winkler Coop | 5000 |
Deasil Custom Sewing
Inc | 5000 |
Manitou Building Centre | 3000 |
Morden Realty | 3000 |
Morden Agencies | 2640 |
MWM Environmental | 1785.4 |
Infinity Secruity Inc | 1400 |
Morden Physio Therapy | 1000 |
Committee Morden
Community Justice | 1000 |
Menzies Medical Centre | 600 |
St. Thomas Anglican
Church | 500 |
Morden Sawatzky
Appliances | 500 |
Plus More Sarah Dyck
Morden's Dollar Store | 500 |
Crocus Realty Morden | 500 |
Worksite #131 Central
Community Nurses | 200 |
We take pride in local members who donate to the ongoing costs of keeping 500 Stephen available for Non-profit and Community Groups. It is only with these regular supporters that we are able to provide the community with free programs.
Scott & Maryanne
Hoeppner | 11000 |
United Way | 8500 |
George Worms | 7250 |
Kyle & Audrey Wiebe | 4630 |
Ron Schwarz | 4200 |
Deb Thiessen | 2000 |
Tim & Cyndie Wiebe | 1500 |
David Warkentin | 1000 |
Scott & Maureen Dyck | 1000 |
Jennifer Funk | 1000 |
Dr. Randall & Karla
Warkentin | 1000 |
Alan & Margie Toews - pending cheque is in the mail | 800 |
Beatrice Reimer | 500 |
Bonny Fehr | 500 |
Derek & Shannon
Klassen | 500 |
Jerred & Sher
Hildebrand | 400 |
Natasha Olfert - should be $1200 | 400 |
Kayly Letkeman | 300 |
Ruth Wiebe | 300 |
Ken Thiessen | 200 |
Darren Enns | 200 |
Jaclyn Nickel | 150 |
Cameron & Leigh Penner | 120 |
Mary Unrau | 100 |
John & Helen Worms | 100 |
Daniel Klauke | 57 |
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